
This lists the major changes in angr. Tracking minor changes are left as an excercise for the reader :-)

angr 4.5.12.?

Claripy has a new manager for backends, allowing external backends (i.e., those implemented by other modules) to be used. The result is that claripy.backend_concrete is now claripy.backends.concrete, claripy.backend_vsa is now claripy.backends.vsa, and so on.


Improved the ability to recover from failures in instruction decoding. You can now hook specific addresses at which VEX fails to decode with project.hook, even if those addresses are not the beginning of a basic block.


This is a pretty beefy release, with over half of claripy having been rewritten and major changes to other analyses. Internally, Claripy has been \emph{unified} -- the VSA mode and symbolic mode now work on the same structures instead of requiring structures to be created differently. This opens the door for awesome capabilities in the future, but could also result in unexpected behavior if we failed to account for something.

Claripy has had some major interface changes:

  • claripy.BV has been renamed to claripy.BVS (bit-vector symbol). It can now create bitvectors out of strings (i.e., claripy.BVS(0x41, 8) and claripy.BVS("A") are identical).
  • state.BV and state.BVV are deprecated. Please use and
  • BV.model is deprecated. If you're using it, you're doing something wrong, anyways. If you really need a specific model, convert it with the appropriate backend (i.e., claripy.backend_concrete.convert(bv)).

There have also been some changes to analyses:

  • Interface: CFG argument keep_input_state has been renamed to keep_state. With this option enabled, both input and final states are kept.
  • Interface: Two arguments cfg_node and stmt_id of BackwardSlicing have been deprecated. Instead, BackwardSlicing takes a single argument, targets. This means that we now support slicing from multiple sources.
  • Performance: The speed of CFG recovery has been slightly improved. There is a noticeable speed improvement on MIPS binaries.
  • Several bugs have been fixed in DDG, and some sanity checks were added to make it more usable.

And some general changes to angr itself:

  • StringSpec is deprecated! You can now pass claripy bitvectors directly as arguments.


There have been several improvements to claripy that should be transparent to users:

  • There's been a refactor of the VSA StridedInterval classes to fix cases where operations were not sound. Precision might suffer as a result, however.
  • Some general speed improvements.
  • We've introduced a new backend into claripy: the ReplacementBackend. This frontend generates replacement sets from constraints added to it, and uses these replacement sets to increase the precision of VSA. Additionally, we have introduced the HybridBackend, which combines this functionality with a constraint solver, allowing for memory index resolution using VSA.

angr itself has undergone some improvements, with API changes as a result:

  • We are moving toward a new way to store information that angr has recovered about a program: the knowledge base. When an analysis recovers some truth about a program (i.e., "there's a basic block at 0x400400", or "the block at 0x400400 has a jump to 0x400500"), it gets stored in a knowledge-base. Analysis that used to store data (currently, the CFG) now store them in a knowledge base and can share the global knowledge base of the project, now accessible via project.kb. Over time, this knowledge base will be expanded in the course of any analysis or symbolic execution, so angr is constantly learning more information about the program it is analyzing.
  • A forward data-flow analysis framework (called ForwardAnalysis) has been introduced, and the CFG was rewritten on top of it. The framework is still in alpha stage - expect more changes to be made. Documentation and more details will arrive shortly. The goal is to refactor other data-flow analysis, like CFGFast, VFG, DDG, etc. to use ForwardAnalysis.
  • We refactored the CFG to a) improve code readability, and b) eliminate some bad designs that linger due to historical reasons.